Savelletri |
First stop was Savelletri, a small, very friendly fishing village with a safe but shallow harbour. We spent a relaxing couple of nights there at anchor which always makes Lucifer happier as he is free to run around. The shopping is pretty limited since many of the little shops have closed because customers use the bigger shops in nearby Lecce or Monopoli. There is still a mini market, a butcher and an amazingly good chandler as well as lots of restaurants and ice cream shops. We used the dinghy to get ashore. Unfortunately, our trusty Torqeedo electric outboard stopped twice and we had to row back to the boat. No idea yet why but it's very worrying as we are going to depend upon it when we get to Venice.
Polignano |
We set off towards Bari but expecting that we might stop at Mola di Bari or Polignano on the way. In the event it was cold and raining for much of the way and neither of us felt like stopping and doing the tourist bit. From the sea, Polignano reminded be of Bonifacio on Corsica - looks very pretty.
Polignano Marina |
We did go into Polignano Marina to have a look although it was a weird experience. It's large, we'll sheltered, brand spanking new, with all facilities but totally empty. Not a single boat and nobody on land either. It felt like one of those post-apocalyptic films.
Bari old town |
We went on past Mola di Bari in a thunderstorm, and got to Bari in the evening. A French boat we had seen several times was already moored side-to so we joined them. No facilities and a bit grubby but well sheltered and free. Bari old town is beautiful - although much of the rest of the city seems like a concrete jungle. It's all very prosperous looking with lots of swanky shops and department stores. We took the opportunity to get a proper Internet contract sorted out. We now have 20Gb per month from TIM in exchange for a years pre-payment of €199. Pretty good! That afternoon a chap from one of the local boat yards offered us some hull treatment. We didn't need it but he seemed really nice and we chatted for a couple of hours. He suggested going out for a meal in the evening which was excellent. We went back to Rosa for a night cap but then things got a bit strange. I suspect he had had a little too much calvados as his hands got rather too active for L's comfort and he started telling us that he and his wife were swingers. A little later, the suggestion came up that we get naked! We are both pretty open minded but all this made us both rather uncomfortable so we ended up drawing the evening to a rather abrupt end.
Next day was May Day and the phone shop was shut so we had to hang around till May 2. I went out at 0800 to find the lock on my bike had been cut with bolt cutters and there it was - gone. Welcome to Italy!
After a long yomp to the police station opposite the castle and another to pick up our SIM, we finally cast of at 11:30
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